Evening Session, Farmington Il Senior

Stunning girl standing in wheat field with sun rays coming down, Senior photography Elmwood photographer serving Farmington Il

Evening, partly cloudy with a chance of amazing skies! Evening is prime time for a session. The light is optimal, whether it is clear or cloudy. This evening I was hoping for a clear sunset, because it had been cloudy for the last of my five sessions. Just as we began the session the clouds […]

Cool weather, cool chick – Senior Year Canton Il

Smiling high school senior outside during fall, Canton Illinois photographer

Cool is being kind (speaking of the weather, not the chick!!). It was actually down right cold!  Who would have thought that we’d have snow for Halloween?  The  kiddos got the thrill of trick or treating in the snow, ice and wind! Speaking of trick or treating, when is the age cut off?  I mean, […]

Lovely Senior, Cassidy Locke, Canton Il

Smiling girl in black floral dress sitting on log in the woods with flowers around her, Canton Il Senior photography

Lovely senior, Cassidy Locke, was a joy to work with!  This was the third time I had the pleasure of taking her picture.  She is hilarious, full of life and just glows when she smiles!  She’s an accomplished athlete, so we included some of her with her volleyball uniform.  We even did some actions shots, […]